September 2016 events in the excd.lab

1. We welcomed Dr Alice Mitchell and Dr Catherine Sheard to the VariKin project. Alice will be working on VariKin-Development, studying children’s understanding of kinship relations in Bristol and Tanzania, and Catherine will be working on Varikin-Evolution and providing admin support. 2. Fiona, Alice, and Peter are at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology … Read more

February 2016 events in the excd.lab

1. In February we welcomed Dr Péter Rácz to Bristol and he’s started work on the VariKin-Usage corpus linguistics project. 2. In January Alarna and Fiona were working with Jamie Tehrani from Durham on a fairytales project. 3. The D-PLACE database is very near to release. In April, Fiona will be talking about D-PLACE at the European Human Behaviour and … Read more

Funding opportunities to work in excd.lab

There are two upcoming calls for funding schemes that would allow postdoctoral researchers to come work with us at Bristol. The first is the British Academy’s International Partnership and Mobility Scheme. These three-year and one-year awards are for research partnerships between scholars in the UK and scholars in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East, … Read more

origins of resistance to science

An intriguing piece in Science this week about the childhood origins of adult resistance to scientific ideas. It’s a review, not experimental, and as such doesn’t test any of the hypotheses directly. It’s also USA-centric without really delving into the particularities of the American situation, and there are no substantial further suggestions, but that might … Read more


Found today while adding sites to the Link List at the side: PhyloTaxis, a nifty visualisation thing, that gathers science news headlines and turns them into this geometric flash array. Surname Profiler. A UCL GIS project which produces a spatial map of the frequency of your surname in the UK. The wonders of GIS! My … Read more